FrankieOne - Email and contact information

FrankieOne connects with hundreds of different data sources to provide a complete and unified onboarding and fraud-prevention platform.
Company email address
Decision maker info & email
Company LinkedIn
Company website
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Founded by
Aaron Chipper, Simon Costello
Last funding type
Series A
Last funding date
29 November 2022
Last funding amount
Total funding amount
Top investors
Binance Labs, AirTree Ventures, MANTIS Venture Capital, Kraken Ventures, Greycroft
Developer APIs, FinTech, Fraud Detection, Identity Management, SaaS

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Frequently asked questions

What is FrankieOne's email address?

FrankieOne's email address is

Where are FrankieOne’s headquarters?

FrankieOne's headquarters are in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Who founded FrankieOne?

Where are FrankieOne’s headquarters?

What is FrankieOne's tech stack?

FrankieOne's tech stack is unknown.

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